Nature Transmissions

Bad Ass Tumbleweeds: Learning Vulnerability embodiment nature therapy plant medicine May 30, 2023

Once upon a time in my twenties, I was a bad ass bitch. I proclaimed it, I sang about it, I was resplendent with badassery. I was proud of my fierce independence. I needed no one. This was the 90s...

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4 Winter Plants for Brewing Forest Tea forest bathing nature rituals plant medicine Feb 27, 2023

When guiding forest bathing walks, many times we complete our journey by sitting in a circle and sharing tea. If possible, the tea will consist of plants gathered in the forest during the walk. In...

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All of Us Stardust
Self-Love Nature Rituals + Audio Meditation
Self-Love Nature Rituals + Audio Meditation guided meditations nature rituals plant medicine seasons Feb 13, 2023

Valentine’s Day. Do you see it as a capitalist ploy to get us to buy more stuff? Do you prefer to make it a holiday in celebration of women, a la Eve Ensler’s V-Day movement? Perhaps...

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Why and How to Connect with a Tree forest bathing nature intuition nature rituals plant medicine Feb 01, 2023

“The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing which stands in the way… As a man is, so he sees.” -William Blake

I never knew an aspen...

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